There are a large number of other organisations that can help and support you, depending on your need. This section contains a list of useful links to organisations and/or websites that can provide more information, specific detail on a topic, or support and advice.

Please note: That while care has been taken in providing these links they do not constitute endorsement or approval of those other websites or their content. Supportive Aged Care takes no responsibility for any information or services which may appear on any linked websites. It is the responsibility of the web user to make their own decisions about the accuracy, reliability, relevance and correctness of information viewed or found.

Aged Care and Nursing Home Reviews

Aged Care News and Dementia

Australian Goverment MyAgedCare

National Disability Insurance Scheme

Department of Human Services

Office of the Public Advocate

COTA Australia

Aged Care Complaints Commissioner

Australian Association of Social Workers


The AASW is the professional body for social workers.